Grammar Form and Function 1 Teacher’s Manual 2/e好書語言學習熱銷
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當你看過[Grammar Form and Function 1 Teacher’s Manual 2/e]就知道這是一本語言學習好書
Each unit of the Teacher's Manual includes:
* an overview of each unit to summarize the contents
* Notes on the Photos to describe the photos in the Form and Function sections and give background and cultural information
* Warm-Up Activities to engage students in the topic and activate the target grammar
* Useful teaching tips and techniques for both new and experienced instructors to provide students with the information they need
* multiple expansion ideas, games, and writing activities to extend and personalize learning
* Notes on Culture, Notes on Usage, and Notes on Vocabulary to help instructors clarify, explain, and present the information with ease
* answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide the instructor and students with a deeper understanding of the structure
* answer key for the exercises and Self-Tests
* Unit Tests in a standardized test format and test answer key to assess understanding and mastery of the unit
* reproducible Internet Activity Worksheets with Internet Activity Procedures to encourage students to expand their online learning and research skills